Morris Maizels, MD
Years President: 2011-2016
Morris Maizels MD is a family physician and headache specialist, who has been involved in headache care and research since 1994. His study – Intranasal Lidocaine for Treatment of Migraine (JAMA 1996) – laid the foundation for the recent interest in sphenopalatine ganglion blocks for migraine. Following that publication, he established a group education model for headache patients at Southern California Permanente Medical Group. In 2012, his paper – Beyond Neurovascular: Migraine as a Dysfunctional Neurolimbic Pain Network (Headache 2012) – suggested a new paradigm for understanding migraine.
In 2006, he was among the first 100 physicians in the country to be boarded in the newly recognized specialty of Headache Medicine. He retired from SCPMG in 2009 and moved to Asheville NC, where he established the Blue Ridge Headache Clinic. In 2011, along with Brian Loftus MD, he founded the Southern Headache Society.
(A personal note – In founding SHS, my focus was on creating a multidisciplinary and inclusive organization where we created a sense of community, in distinction to large medical organizations with more of a hierarchical nature. We have grown to a membership of ~250 with outstanding and well-attended annual meetings. I see the future of SHS in our leadership, all bringing a commitment to the organization that promises a bright and enduring future. But most of all I take pride in our group as community and family).
Dr. Maizels is a previous member of the Board of Directors of the American Headache Society, and a previous Senior Editorial Advisor for the journal, Headache.
His most recent research projects were: to validate an online headache diagnosis program for cluster headache; and an open-label review of SPG blocks for various headache disorders (Practical Neurology,May 2021).
He moved back to the Pacific NW in 2016, retired from practice in Headache Medicine in January 2022, but remains active with the Southern Headache Society. He continues to work per diem as a family physician. He also volunteers with End-of-Life-Choice of Oregon (eolcor.org), a group which provides for Medical Aid in Dying.
In retirement, he is working on getting back in shape for hiking, cycling and tennis. He is taking guitar lessons again (progress is asymptotic), takes naps in the afternoon, enjoys watching British murder mysteries in the evening, and looks for spirituality in the writings of Eastern philosophy.
Presidency Accomplishment Statement
As Founding President, my focus was on growth of the organization, creating a multi-disciplinary organization, and initiating what would become an annual educational meeting. But what I am most proud of, now nearly 15 years later, are the diverse, talented, and energetic individuals who care enough to be on the Board, and shape the future of the organization.